So... this is the end of my second day! Mainly so far, it's been running errands. The plane ride over was smooth and I wasn't
too tired the first day. Although I went to sleep at 9 and got up at 11 this morning. (Claudie lets me sleep as late as I want.) When I first got to the airport in Lyon, I had no idea how to get a cart out for my bags. You have to stick a euro into a slot on the cart and then pull. I was looking for a money-taking machine and when I didn't see one, I thought the carts were free. But then they were chained to each other. Luckily, the kid I sat next to on the plane was standing there, so I could ask him for help. (The picture is of Flat Stephanie in London Heathrow, where I was waiting for the screen to show my gate, because the gate number only pops up 50 minuted before the flight.)
Chambéry is so beautiful! It's an old town and looks a lot like Italy, with yellow houses with white shutters lined up along cobblestone streets. And the houses are tall and there are lamps hanging along the streets and big cobblestone squares with churches and cafes and pigeons... I went to a cafe yesterday with Claudie and my older host sister Laura and had an orange-presée. It tasted a lot like orange juice, which is good because I love orange juice! I still haven't unpacked, so I should hop to that. I'm meeting the Mexican exchange student, Mauricio, Sunday night. Him and his family along with our downstairs neighbors (I live on the top floor of the pink building in the photo at the top right of the page) are coming over for dinner. I'm making a bundt cake! Also, we've gone and bought my school books, which are a lot lighter and thinner than American ones, and which you have to buy and the sell back at the end of the year. Originally, I was going to be in première (junior) ES (social sciences track). But, because that was full, they switched all the exchange students to terminale L (senior year, literature track). So I'll be studying literature and philosophy in France! Well, I should go unpack!

P.S. I wore the new VANS sweatshirt and it's really comfy, and the adapter works splendidly for the computer!